April Prevent Child Abuse Awareness Month
On Friday April 1, 2016 the Holy Spirit begin speaking to me. This is what He impressed upon my heart and in my spirit. For the next 30 days I am to write a blog focused on “30 Days of Healing”. The month of April is to survivors of child abuse what October is to survivors of cancer and family violence.
While there has been a great awakening on the issue of child sexual abuse the number of cases are
still alarming. April is the month child abuse prevention, awareness education and healing is promoted.
We're grateful for organizations, survivors, businesses, public officials, advocates and churches engaging communities through presentations, workshops, vigils, prayer walks and others gatherings.
We must not NEVER give up the fight to keep our families and communities safe, protect the innocence of our children and deliver a message of hope, help and healing to survivors of child sexual abuse.
Today is Saturday, April 2, 2016 and I am personally inviting you to the “30 Days of Healing” blog. I look forward to sharing words of hope, inspiration, encouragement, healing and restoration.
Chances are you, or someone you know have experienced been exposed to child abuse. Statistics tell us that there are over 39 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse in America today.
Chances are you or someone you know have experienced sexual victimization during the early years of life. Share this blog with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, educators, youth workers, college students, business leaders, pediatricians, lawyers, doctors, social workers.
Chances are the people you know have also come in contact with individuals or families who may benefit from “30 Days of Healing” blog posts.
Over the next 30 days I will also share excerpts and healing prayers from my book, "Still Scarred, Totally Healed: Opening your heart and mind to God's healing of past hurts".
Do you have a healing story to share? Please leave us a comment. We'd love to connect with you. If you have any questions you may also email me at pwright@crossroadwomenfamily.org.
Wishing you good health, wellness and success!
Patrina Wright
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