Rebuilding your life after unexpected twists, turns and storms isn't a one time event. It is a process. Renewal, recovery and restoration doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. Many women are in different seasons of life. If you're in a storm, hold on you're going to come through. You will make it to the other side. Perhaps you're coming out of a challenging situation of some sort.
Maybe you've been feeling stuck for quite sometime and don't know why or how to get unstuck. Perhaps, all is well and you're pregnant with a dream, vision or purpose for your life.
Wherever you are I'd like to invite you to join me and other women for "Women Healing Women". This is a new coaching series we're hosting for women. On a monthly basis there will be a theme-based teaching series designed to help you connect with matters of the heart. We're going to empower you to breakthrough barriers and move you forward with greater clarity, peace, purpose, wisdom, maturity and confidence.
Women Healing Women is now enrolling 25 women for the program. I"m excited about this because what I've discovered is that every woman CAN HEAL another woman.
Let's look at the word...HEAL can you provide healing, encouragement, acceptance and love to someone? If you're reading this post I believe that you already do HEAL. Even healers need to be receivers. As a wife, mother, grand-mother, sister, aunt, friend and mentor to women and young girls God's BEST for families
is my heart's desire. As a Jesus lover, preacher, teacher, storyteller, survivor, healer, advocate, conference speaker and entrepreneur I'm compelled to deliver a message of HOPE, HELP and HEALING.
My journey working with women begin in 2004. It has been one of the most rewarding, meaningful, and precious opportunities I've been given. Like other women I too have experienced single parenting, marriage, divorce and going through what felt like, "Hell in the Hallways".
I've also mourned the loss of a sister and uncle that I loved very much and didn't get a chance to say, "goodbye" to. Ministry never stopped, recovery continues and healing is our daily bread. Trouble doesn't last always. Restoration, recovery, renewal, restitution, relaunch and rejuvenation is yours!
I encourage YOU to enroll for women healing women, 25 slots are available and I expect that they will fill up fast. Get ready to experience laughter, tears, joy, relief and liberation. My goal is to provide a safe place for women to grow and enriching space to connect and be connected. Tomorrow is not promised. We must not wait for others to do for us what each of us can do and neither of us should do alone.
Women Healing Women see details are below. To ENROLL, please EMAIL your first and last name, address, email address, phone number and a registration form will be emailed to you.
If you have any questions please email or call 845-853-3884. Thank you and I hope to see you on the other side for Women Healing Women Friday, May 5th!
What: Women Healing Women Teleconference Training
When: Every Friday, May 5, 2017 through June 2, 2017
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Topic: Women Healing Abuse Survivors and Protecting Children
Fee: $52.00
Patrina M Torres