In the Bible there is a man who had been suffering for 38 years. That's a long time to be sick whether spiritually, emotionally, financially, socially or mentally. When you're sick for a very long time you can get to the place where you don't believe healing is possible.
The GOOD NEWS is you don't have to be handicapped and unable to move forward. Regardless of what anyone else does or says the POWER of choice is always on your side.
Will you choose to be made whole again?
Wholeness is a choice. Don't allow your past to bleed into your future. By following God's principles for wholeness your wounds will heal. Your soul will be redeemed and your whole life will be restored. You cannot heal by yourself but God can help you to heal. Brokenness doesn't happen overnight and neither does healing. Give God time to make you over again. Allow Him to give you an extreme makeover from the inside out. Be made whole in your spirit, soul and body.
If you are going to thrive and prosper there is work. Should you seek faith-based counseling and support groups make sure these ministries are being guided by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God is the greatest book ever written under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. It's the only book whose author will never die. The Holy Spirit gives interpretation, revelation and illumination. He gives us the spiritual wisdom and understanding we need to apply the truth to our lives. I'm not suggesting that the journey is easy. The more you do the Word, the more you will see that the Word of God is true.
The key is remembering you are not alone. God will give you the strength to do what needs to be done.
You can take your life, self-esteem, hope and dreams back. But this time when you get your stuff back you'll know how to keep it. Get ready to reclaim your life and identity.
You will be free from hopelessness, despair and confusion. You will be free from feelings of hate and no self-worth. You will heal from your scars. You will LOVE being you. You will SUCCEED and you will LEAD. Nothing will be impossible for you if you believe. Learning how to become teachable prepares
you for CHANGE. Are you tired of being sick and tired? So it is with those who grow and change.
When you get sick and tired of your own self, you will be willing to trade in your sorrow and shame.
You will be willing to let go of what has always BEEN so that you can accept what will be.
Finally, believe that you CAN experience a NEW LIFE. It's going to take some work but it's nothing you can't handle. You survived didn't you? NOW, it's time to learn how to THRIVE.
You're going to another level!!!
The following excerpt is from my book, The Exodus Breaking Cycles and Changing Lives: Repositioning your soul to thrive after domestic violence.
While everything that happen doesn't feel good in the end it can still turn around and work out in your favor. If you give God sometime when He turns it around you will find yourself saying, "Thanks I needed that".
Have you ever been betrayed? If so, what you experienced may have felt very similar to the sorrow that Jesus felt in the betrayal of Judas. People betray people. But God will never betray you. Though some experiences will cause us to believe that He will, despite the betrayal of other people you can trust Almighty God. He is not like man. He'l never leave or betray you.
The fear of betrayal by God is the trick of the enemy. The number one goal is to paralyze you. The enemy wants you to think that God isn't going to come through for you. But the devil is a liar.
Did you know that deliverance could be right in front of your face and fear will cause you to fight against your own deliverance? But if you fight against it you are putting yourself at-risk. You need God's help. You need His hand. You need His saving power. You need His grace.
God cannot work with fear because it is opposite of faith. God needs to see your faith. He needs you to trust His hand and His plan. Fear and lack of trust are strongholds of the mind. Fear is faith that's been contaminated. What you believe will impact your will which is [what you do] and your emotions [how you react]. Trust God and His plan. Experience victory and walk in truth.
"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" [John 8:32].
The truth can make you free but you must believe and obey the truth. When you know the truth, think the truth and do the truth you are freeing yourself from the painful consequences of unbelief. Walking in deception is painful. Jesus was the most powerful man that walked the earth. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, walked on water, fed five thousand with five loaves and two fish. Yet, He could not perform any miracles in His own hometown.
Why? Because the people would not believe. Because of unbelief in the hearts and minds of the people some sick folk remained unhealed. If you want to activate the healing power of God in your life which will cause you to thrive you must believe! I don't care how young, middle-aged or elderly you are. Anyone who has ever experienced domestic violence is in need of healing, restoration and reconciliation. We need to be reconciled to God and reconciled to other people.
God is the true source and His Word is full of promises. When you believe and receive the Word healing, restoration and reconciliation can be yours. Perhaps you have a bitter taste in your mouth because of what you have been through. Once you taste and see that the Lord is good your life will be different. Not only is He good, His mercy endures forever. You are God's treasured possession and He delights in you.
May You Prosper and Be In Good Health!