Cancer Care Resources for Treatment & Recovery
The impact of cancer diagnosis is overwhelming. Anxiety, fear, uncertainties, depression can be down right overwhelming. Financial resources for treatment, transportation, pain medication, housekeeping and childcare has the potential to cause hardship, stress, and bankruptcy. Some people have adequate insurance coverage,
some don't and others have found themselves between a rock and a hard place.
Thankfully, there are some organizations that provide a variety of assistance that to help individuals, families and caregivers focus on healing and recovery.
1. Vital Options International
The Selma Schimmel Vital Grant offers assistance to anyone who is living with cancer and in financial need.
Please click on website link for more information
2. Prostate Cancer FoundationProvides a database of financial resources for people with prostate cancer and other types of cancer. Click on link for more information.
3. Colorectal Cancer Alliance
Visit their website to learn about available stipends for expenses associated with screening and treatment for individuals who qualify. Please visit the website.
4. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Visit their website for a list of organizations that provide financial help for rent, utility bills and mortgage. Just click the link below for more information.
5. Cancer.Net
Visit their website for links to local and national resources, including assistance with travel and housing, and help with costs for medication and treatment and other types of financial assistance. Please visit their website for more information.