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The Innocence Revolution

Are you a survivor of child sexual abuse? You're not alone. There are over 42 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse in America alone. Experts also estimate that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Do you know what this means? In any classroom or neighborhood full of children there are children who are suffering in silence due to sexual abuse.

If you are an adult survivor of sexual abuse I would like to invite you to be part of one of the greatest movements that I believe will change the world. The Innocence Revolution, A Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse was created to build awareness and launch a global crusade against the crime of Child Sexual Abuse. On April 14, 2013 events are going to be held in cities throughout the world joining all who are interested in uniting to fight to end the sexual victimization of children. We invite you to join us in this most crucial historic event.

The Innocence Revolution A Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse will bring together people from every nation, race, color, creed, gender for a united cause. As survivors we are committed to the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. We're dedicated to helping others move from a place of shame to a place of grace. I know what it's like to suffer in silence for over 20 years. Crippled by fear and guilt. When you're abused every part of who you are is affected. Not just your body, your mind and your spirit is broken.

Child sexual abuse wounds the soul. It breaks the heart of a child. It introduces you to a whole new world that you are not prepared for. The impact of sexual abuse are far reaching. You blame yourself. You have nightmares and struggle with fear and anxiety. You feel angry and withdrawn from the rest of the world. You feel dirty, distant and ashamed. You're smiling on the outside but on the "inside" your tormented and crying out for help. Yet, you don't know "who" to trust with your private pain. You believe the lie that it was all your fault. You hear voices telling you that you brought it on yourself. Lies, lies, lies.

You hate yourself and have trouble fitting in. You do things to win friends. You have mood swings and suffer from depression. You feel broken and have no sense of "wholeness". Your identity is stolen and you live most of your life trying to figure out who you are. Your relationships are dysfunctional because you look for love in all the wrong places. And you don't love yourself. When you don't love yourself you will become a victim all over again.

The truth is when you're sexually wounded it's hard to find love. And until you are healed you will have problems in your relationships because your view of real love has been tainted through sexual abuse.

Over the years I've had my share of tainted love. And I've come to realize that we were created for more than tainted love. If it's not true love, I don't want it. You can love again. You will live again. You will laugh again and you will dream again. You are a valuable individual. You are unique. You are God's gift to this world. You are something special. You deserve the best. You deserve happiness. You deserve peace. You deserve joy and contentment. You deserve to live in the light and let your light shine.

Your experiences does NOT define who you are. There is so much more to you than what you see in the mirror. Do not let the pain of your past dictate your future. It happened, it was horrific, it shouldn't have taken place, but you must not stay there. You have purpose. You have to choose to heal. You have to choose to be made whole. You have to choose to live again. You have to choose to let go of the anger, bitterness, shame and guilt. You have to choose to recover. You can be healed. You don't have to live the rest of your life suffering in silence. It's time to heal and take the rest of your life back.

Break the silence with us on April 14, 2013. We want you to join us. Support this cause. Let's do this together. We can make a difference. We must all speak with ONE VOICE. We must SPEAK NOW. We will not tolerate the innocence of children being stolen any longer. We will stand for justice. We will stand for peace. We will stand for healing and recovery. We will stand for innocent and vulnerable children who deserve to grow up healthy, happy and whole. Join this movement with us.

If you reside in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia why not plan an event or let's work together. We're planning a great concert, speakers, and more. If you're a singer, musician, choir, poet or spoken word artist let's connect. Let's launch one of the greatest awareness and healing movements that this world have ever seen and will NEVER forget.

Email me at to say, "Patrina, count me in"!!

We hope to hear from you today!

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