Restoring Families, Reclaiming Youth
Mass shooting, fatherless homes, sex trafficking and child sexual abuse cases like the Jerry Sandusky trial are very troubling situations. Things are happening so fast that it can almost make your head spin. Fear and anxiety has been gripping the hearts and minds of children for years. But no one is really talking about it. Well, I want you to know that we must find comfort in the words of David in Psalm 50:15, "Call on me when you are in trouble and I will rescue you". It is during perilous times like these that we must cry out to God for our families.
Jesus LOVES little children. I don't know what society thinks about that. But Jesus told His disciples,
"Let the little children come to me" in Luke 18. He's still calling for us to bring our babies to Him. Our children must be reminded that we love them and so does Jesus. Our children need to know that angels are watching over them to protect them. What are you doing on Sunday, April 14, 2013.
This is going to be a very special day for me. April 14, 2013 is my father's birthday. Last year I traveled to New Jersey to be the "guest speaker" at a service held in his honor. You don't know how honored I was. It was a special night for me and him. Seeing tears stream down of the face of the most important man in my life was amazing. I was on an assignment with a God ordained word.
Traveling from North Carolina to New Jersey was not too much to ask. It was just another awesome opportunity to pay tribute and honor my father, Bishop James D. Wright. Love you dad!!
But this year on Sunday, April 14, 2013 Crossroad Women and Family Services will be hosting, "Restoring Families, Reclaiming Youth" a two day youth and family empowerment conference. The Innocence Revolution is a new organization bringing organizations from across the globe together for "A Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse".
This is going to be an amazing day. There are 20 countries and 25 states hosting events in their communities. As you know child sexual abuse leads to so many other issues such as shame and guilt, depression, alcoholism, teen pregnancy, low school performance, cutting, social isolation, obesity, violent behavior and prison. Statistics show that on a daily basis 300,000 children around the world are sexually abused by someone they love and should have been able to trust. And in the United States alone it is estimated that there are at least 42 million men and women who are adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Isn't it time that we come together to protect our children and help heal adult survivors?
The key to reducing this epidemic is helping those who are struggling with the aftermath of abuse. Helping people work through the horror and deep wounds that are oftentimes unresolved and manifesting in other areas. Let's STOP telling people to just "get over it" and provide a safe place for them to heal. Let's STOP meeting about it and being about it. Let's come together and make a difference.
We are hosting a family fun day on Saturday, April 13, 2013. If you own a business and would like to donate some door prizes of give-away for kids, PLEASE contact us ASAP. Restoring Families, Reclaiming Youth weekend events are quickly approaching.
If you'd like to make a donation, you can do that righ here on this page. Just click on "Donate" and you can do so via paypal or debit card. Thank you for taking the time out to read this blog.
We appreciate you. We love you. We're here for you. Let us know how we can serve you. We want you to know that no matter what has taken place in your life, you are NOT broken beyond repair.
Agape Love,
Patrina Wright
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