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Bringing Children to Jesus

During my morning devotions I read about parents bringing their little children to Jesus. "One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them" (Luke 18:15). I begin to think about the parents. They obviously knew something about Jesus. I don't believe that these parents would have brought their precious children to Jesus if they had not believed that Jesus loved the little children. I also believe that these parents recognized who Jesus was.

In other words, these parents knew that making an effort to take their children to Jesus could change their lives, their futures, their hopes and their dreams. It could put their lives on the right path and give them a reason for living. Luke said that the parents brought the children so that Jesus could touch and bless them. One touch from Jesus can heal our hearts, change our perspectives and transform our lives.

Jesus is our healer, great physician, redeemer, refuge, protector, provider, deliverer, restorer, counselor and prince of peace. The earlier we introduce children to Jesus how much better their lives can be. To know that they are loved in a real and personal way by Jesus can make such a world of a difference.

Luke 18:15 says, "But when the disciples saw this, they scolded the parents for bothering Jesus".

Can you imagine that? Jesus loves the children. Yet the disciples treated their parents as if bringing

their children to Him would be an inconvience. Well, Jesus didn't agree with their behavior.

"Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples let the children come to me. Don't stop them. For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children", (Luke 18:16).

What Jesus was saying is bring the children here and do nothing to prevent them from coming. And if you want to enter the Kingdom of my Father you would do well to become like these little children. After reading the scriptures I went into my kitchen to make breakfast. While I'm cooking I started thinking about the many ways children are at-risk for not coming to Jesus.

In other words there are things that have happened in the lives of children that have prevented them from coming to know God's love for them. So many children today are falling through the cracks but I believe that Jesus wants us to help the children come to Him. He wants to touch and bless them. We must NOT allow the following circumstances to stop children from coming to Jesus. He is our only hope.

Children are at-risk of falling through the cracks when:

1. There is poverty, low-income and dependency on government assistance.

2. There is violence, anger and uncontrollablle rage modeled in the home.

3. There is a substance abuse problem in the home and no treatment.

4. There is child is a victim of child abuse and neglect.

5. The child has become the parent to the parent instead of being raised as a child.

6. There is no spiritual training, instruction or discipline.

7. There are no values or morals being modeled.

8. The child feels unloved, unwanted, uncared for.

9.The child feels there is no hope for their future.

10.The child has no sense of purpose, direction or meaning for their existence.

11.The parent is physically, mentally, emotionally, verbally abusive.

12.A parent or both parents are incarcerated.

13.The child is made to sell drugs or steal food just to survive.

14.The child is illiterate, not able to read or write.

15.The child has no one who cares about their well-being or shows interest.

16.The child has experienced parental rejection and abandonment.

17.The child is has been experienced the trauma of sexual abuse, molestation or rape.

18.The child is a victim of sexual trafficking.

19.The child has to relocate from shelter to shelter or state to state.

20.The child has know one to talk to or anyone to listen.

21.The child's sexuality has been tainted by through sexual exploitation.

22. The child's identity has been stolen and they don't know who they are.

23. The child's innocence has been stolen.

24. The child lives in a community plagued by crimes, gun violence and drugs.

25.The child has joined a gang to experience a sense of belonging.

26. The youth ages out of foster without proper resources, guidance, support system in place.

27.The child have never met their father.

28. The child is allowed to do drugs with their parents or other relatives.

29. The child has been exposed to pornography.

30. The child is trying to fill the hole in their hearts with multiple sex partners.

31. The child is living in the home with a mentally ill parent.

32. The child becomes pregnant as a student.

33. The child has contracted HIV/AIDS and hasn't shared with anyone.

34. The child is involved with the Juvenile Justice System.

35. The youth has or is at-risk of dropping out of school.

36. The child runs away from home due to problems in the home.

37. The child is forced into prostitution and feels there is no way out.

Regardless of the circumstances JESUS loves the children. We must help the children get to Jesus by any means necessary so that He can touch them with His love and grace. So that He can heal them.

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