S.O.S. Breaking The CYCLE of Fatherlessness Conference 2018
Whether it's due to divorce, incarceration or death the absence of a father is traumatic. The loss of a father impacts a family socially, emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually. Today, 24 million children are being impacted by this major societal crisis. Think for a moment at these startling facts. Studies reveal that 63% of Youth Suicide; 71% of Teen Pregnancies; 75% of Adolescents in Substance Abuse Centers;
85% of Youth in Prison and 71% of High School Drop Out rates is a result of absent fathers.

HOWEVER, when responsible fathers are present, actively engaged and holistically involved in their children are more likely to succeed in school, discover their unique identity, live with a greater sense of purpose and reach their potential.
Many at-risk children are suffering from identity crisis. Some have been forced to grow up too soon. Many have taken on adult responsibilities beyond their age level and development.
The good NEWS about this bad news is that all is not lost. TIME doesn't heal all wounds, it's time for these to heal. It's going to take some time but the CYCLE of social, mental, emotional, economical and spiritual damage of absent fathers will be broken.
We know that there are many great fathers, many good fathers. We also know that there are some fathers who need a second chance. We HONOR every dad. We come alongside fathers to provide support, encouragement and strength.
Fatherhood and family matters. We invite you to join us as we help fathers reconnect with tools and supportive relationships that can EMPOWER him to be the man of destiny and purpose he always knew he could be. Together we can restore and strengthen families, one father at a time.
If you are an individual, faith-based leader, educator, social worker, mental health professional, author, speaker, government or business leader interested in registering attendees for the conference please complete the form below. Are you a Corporation, Church, Faith-Based, Small Business or Individual Interested in Sponsorship? We will acknowledge every donation received.
Thank you for supporting fathers, healing families and impacting generations.
Please mail your donation of $500, $300, $250, $150, $50 or $25 to:
Crossroad Women and Family Services, P.O. Box 2421, Kingston, NY 12402