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Empowering Young Men

"Proving Young Males with Skills and Tools to Achieve, Lead and Succeed"

Without providing boys and young men with the tools, skills and role models for success, we cannot expect them to transition into manhood by themselves. We must stand in the gap. Empowering Boys & Young Men (EBYM) is an innovative program designed to help boys and young men become productive citizens, husbands and fathers. Without intervention feelings of hopelessness and despair will continue to rob young males from reaching their potential and living the kind of life they are destined to have.

Empowering Boys and Young Men (EBYM) is a 12 week life skills and behavior modification program providing positive alternatives to deter at-risk youth behaviors that lead to juvenile justice involvement

Designed for at-risk youth who desire change their lives this program assist males between the ages of 12-19 with gaining the skills, tools and role models to succeed in life.

According to research more than 40 percent of teens doubt they can achieve their goals. Many young people say they aren’t motivated to achieve, don’t know how to plan or don’t feel a sense of purpose. Lack of purpose can result in an increase of drop-out rates, loss of self-esteem, unemployment, gang activity, drug addiction, crime and prison.

The objective of Empowering Boys and Young Men is to help young males identify their unique purpose, transition into manhood, avoid the juvenile justice system and reach their potential. By targeting at-risk youth, potential high-school drop-outs, teenage parents, public assistance recipients, youth with an incarcerated parent and State custody youth we are able to help them make their lives count and teach them to overcome life challenges and make a difference in the world.

The program is designed to encourage academic achievement, positive behaviors and work ethics. The education component of the program focuses on assisting youth with the attainment of a General Education Diploma (GED). We also provide career counseling and encourage higher education.

The life skills component address character development; improving skills in decision making; developing problem solving and negotiation skills. The employment component offers job readiness training, job placement assistance and small business ownership.

Classes are offered Saturdays from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and free breakfast and snacks are provided. The program serves 10-15 participants each cycle and includes a graduation celebration. The following topics are addressed

  • Goal-setting and achievement
  • Self-esteem and self-discipline
  • Leadership Development
  • Correcting Our Lifestyles
  • Decision Making skills
  • Dream-building
  • Becoming a Highly Effective Male
  • Transitioning into Manhood
  • Handling Conflict at Home, School, Workplace & Community
  • Managing Your Anger
  • Consequences of Teen Parenting
  • Drug/Alcohol Abuse Prevention
  • Risks of Gang Violence Involvement

Upon completion of the program young men participate in a graduation ceremony and year round support is provided through youth and family counseling, group coaching, access to job training opportunities, employment assistance, a youth and family conference and retreat.

To request more information send an email to

We need your support. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

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