Will 2011 Be Your Year of Transition and Breakthrough?
A breakthrough is a type of release. It’s being able to remove yourself from that which has kept you in bondage. It’s seeing the strongholds in your life break loose. Breakthrough is a process. It’s normally not seen with the natural eyes. At times you may feel like you’ve moved two steps forward, and at the same time ten steps backwards.
When you’re in the process of breakthrough there is feeling of uneasiness. You start asking questions, ” “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” Why did I survive all that I’ve been through?”.
There is a sense of discontentment, which is different from complaining and murmuring.
Some people complain about where they are in life. But have no desire to make a difference in their own lives. Being in relationships with people who murmur, complain or live in the sea of complaints can be toxic. Complainers are not trying to fulfill their destiny so they will not be happy about you fulfilling yours. Get rid of toxic relationships!
When you have greatness inside of you there is no way that you can be content with mediocrity. Mediocrity is living below your known true potential. It’s accepting the norm. It’s never going beyond, but doing just enough to get by. It’s pleasing the status quo.
Doing what everybody is doing, because it looks like the right thing to do. Mediocrity is the failure to do your best, live your best and be your best. It’s blaming other people for holding you down. If no one goes with you, sometimes you will have to go by yourself to get your breakthrough. You have to break out of your comfort zone. Do things you've never done in order to get what you've never had. What are YOU in need of?
Whenever you need something you are willing to do what it takes. If you need a breakthrough in 2011 then you have to breakout. Breakout of your bad attitude. Breakout of low-self esteem. Breakout of a poverty mentality. Breakout of performance and entertainment. Breakout of unhealthy relationships. Breakout of apathy. Breakout of laziness. Breakout of unforgiveness. Break out of anger. Break out of bitterness.
Embrace another path. It's a unique place designed just for you. It's a place called, "Breakthrough". Isn't it time to say, "Hello" to the real you? Discover the person you were created to become. Fulfill your purpose. Live life on purpose.
Are you discontent? Having a sense of discontent means you want clarity. You desire to know the steps you need to take to make things happen. It means that you are willing to allow your steps to be divinely ordered. It means that you are not willing to give in or give out until your reach your destined place.
Anytime you say to yourself, “There has to me more to life than this”, that means more is looking for you. It’s your wake up call to the potential for greatness on the inside of you.
What’s tugging at your heart? When you are ready to answer ask, seek and knock. We can’t find what we are not looking for. Doors we don’t knock on won’t just open.
We can’t obtain that which we don’t ask for.
I know that 2010 has been a rough year for many people. Job losses, divorces, break-downs and break-ups, lay-offs, foreclosures, illnesses, untimely accidents and deaths have taken a toll on many families in our communities.
I am still of the belief that 2011 can be one of the greatest years of your life. Choose to let this be the year that you can go from the pit to the palace. 2011 can be your year of transition, repositioning and breakthrough.
Do you remember Joseph? Joseph had a dream. He saw his future. But he still had to go through the process. He 17 years old when he was sold into slavery and 30 years old when he was promoted by Pharaoh. He was in prison before that. This means that Joseph was in Potiphar’s house 11 years prior to being falsely accused and thrown in prison.
In other words, what seemed like injustice in Joseph's life was the very thing that caused him to rise from the pit to the palace. It was a set-up for a comeback.
He had to go through the process, make the transition in order to to receive his promotion.
Whatever place you found yourself in last year was part of your process. If you desire breakthrough prepare for the promise. You may have been through a lot but you are still here. As long as there is life in you, you can make it. Possess the promise.
Refuse to allow things that happened in 2010 keep you from what can take place in 2011. Refuse to allow anger or bitterness to stop the flow of your breakthrough. Forgive those who hurt you. In life people will hurt, betray, or disappoint you.
It's what you do with your hurt that matters.
Deal with the pit of 2010 and prepare for the palace of 2011.
It's time for your Breakthrough!